Women Veterans of the Hudson Valley

 !!! new additions !!!

 vintage videos of military women & artwork from women veterans

links to resources and research material

see individual pages for books & DVDs with material about women in the military, their experiences from WWI to the present. Click on images of the items to find out more about them and to order items.

Welcome to our site - it is still under construction. 

At this point, updates are being added weekly.

Your patience is appreciated. 

Please continue to visit the site and watch as we grow

The Women Veterans of the Hudson Valley website is being created to offer a place to find information on various issues related specifically to women veterans living, working or getting their healthcare in the Hudson Valley region. It is a place to gather information, be informed of local events, get advise on filing for benefits share concerns and more

This site was created out of frustration in trying to finding information and getting a response in the local area, as well as creating a placefor others to be able find out about veteran-focused events and opportunities, especially with regard to what is available for women who have served in the military